St Patrick's R C Primary School

Learn. Grow. Shine.

Our Lady of Knock – Year 4



Teacher: Miss Hill

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Wright, Miss Mohamed


Other Staff: Mrs Cox



Homework will be sent home on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday. This will include Maths, English and Spellings and sometimes may include additional activities to support learning. 


Children are expected to read every day. Their reading books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday if their reading diaries have been signed (or more often if reading has been completed)


Please ensure you come into school in your PE kit on the day(s) of your lessons.  The day will be determined by your class teacher and she will let you know the details of this at the beginning of the school year.  There will not be any PE on the first school day.

PE Uniform –  green school shorts, white t-shirt, black pumps, a pair of trainers (not expensive as these are for outdoor use), a tracksuit (black bottoms, a school bottle green hoodie available from Just Clothing or a plain bottle green/black hoodie). Tracksuits in other colours are not acceptable, nor are labelled or designer brands. The only logo permitted is the St. Patrick's logo. Please do not include branded sports kits in your child's PE uniform.


In the Spring term, Year 4 will attend swimming lessons on a Wednesday and this is part of their PE curriculum. This will replace the  PE slot for the Spring term only.

Multiplication Tables Check

In the Summer term, Year 4 children will take an online check regarding their understanding, fluency and ability to recall key times tables facts. 

Information regarding this check can be found HERE

The Government has produced a short video to explain how the check works: HERE