St Patrick's R C Primary School

Learn. Grow. Shine.

Catholic Life at St. Patrick's

Introduction to the Catholic Inspection Framework

Our Catholic schools are an essential part of the mission of the Church.  They are called by the Lord Himself to proclaim and affirm that we are all created in the image and likeness of God our Father and they are to strive to promote the dignity of every man, woman and child.  The work of the Catholic school is to enable each person to call forth their unique God given gifts in the love and service of both God and others.

The Diocese of Salford recognises the importance of review, self-evaluation and celebration as a continuous process that is complemented by regular external inspection.  The Catholic Schools Inspection Framework provides both the school and the Bishop with a means of ensuring that matters of significant importance such as the Catholic Life and Mission of the school, Religious Education and Collective Worship are recognised and supported.

These form the foundations for the overall effectiveness of the Catholic school.

The Diocese seeks to assist schools in its continuing work of self-evaluation through the identification of particular strengths, areas requiring particular improvement, and of progress made since the last inspection as well as the celebration of all that is good, true and beautiful in the school.

Under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005, governors must make arrangements for their school to be inspected every five years. (This is extended to eight years, for now, due to the pandemic).  St. Patrick's RC Primary school was last inspected in June 2019.

Additionally, the Bishop may exercise his right to inspect any Catholic school or college within his diocese in order to evaluate the quality of Religious Education and the Catholic nature of the school. He does this under the code of canon law 806(1).

From 2022 in the Diocese of Salford, canonical schools’ inspections are carried out by trained and licensed inspectors, the majority of whom are serving Catholic headteachers. 

Religious Education Policies

RE Policy

Prayer and Liturgy Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy